Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) is a treatment technique drawing upon the traditional practice of acupuncture yet grounded in Western medicine. It is used to address the pain and tension associated with chronically tightened muscles. Muscle shortening can increase strain on tendons, compress joints, and irritate nerves. IMS is one of the few manual techniques available to address neuropathic pain, or pain caused by irritation or pressure on nerves.
With IMS, treatment consists of inserting a thin acupuncture needle into the shortened muscle with the aim of releasing the muscle and the distress it is causing to the neurological system. No substance is injected with IMS and there is no use of electricity.
How IMS Works
If the needle is inserted into a healthy muscle, there will be no reaction from the muscle. If, on the other hand, the needle is inserted into a tense and shortened muscle, the muscle will ‘grab’ the needle, which will feel like a brief twitch or cramp-like sensation. When the muscle ‘grabs’ the needle, it immediately sends a neurological signal to the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and a reflex signal is sent back to the muscle to relax. In essence, the IMS reaction causes a reboot of the central nervous system, thereby improving the nerve function as well as resetting the resting tone of the muscle to a normal state.
Unlike many other treatments for chronic pain in which the effects are short lasting, the effects of IMS are cumulative due to the lasting effects it can have on the central nervous system. IMS is unique in that it is able to penetrate deep into the muscle and positively affect both the state of the local muscle as well as desensitize the affected nerves.
For more information on IMS, please visit