Marnie Tocheniuk PhysiotherapistThere are a lot of assumptions floating around regarding what Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy is and who it is for.  The majority of people think pelvic floor physiotherapy is only for postpartum women.  This is just a portion of the population who can benefit from pelvic floor physiotherapy.  I have seen many high end athletes who, after having a pelvic floor assessment and individualized treatment, increase their ability to activate their primary core stability system and as a result, improve upon their athletic performance.  Do you know how to activate your primary core stability system and if so, is it performing optimally for you? 

At Marnie Tocheniuk Physiotherapy I make use of Real Time Ultrasound in order to visually see how your primary core system is functioning.  How cool is that?!? 

The pelvic floor muscle group, just like any muscle, must be strong as well as have the ability to fully relax.  Not all pelvic floor rehabilitation involves strengthening or ‘Kegel’ exercises.  If your pelvic floor isn’t functioning correctly, don’t just assume it is weak — it may be due to weakness or it may be due to tightness.  As well, if your muscles are weak and in need strengthening, are you sure you are doing the exercises correctly?  That’s where the expertise of a pelvic floor physiotherapist come in.  
I’d like to pass on the great blog regarding ’10 Misconceptions Regarding Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy’.  Don’t be shy…have a peek…