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Coaching Anyone?

So I am close to completing a life coaching course and my instructor has given me homework.

I have been asked to work with 10 people to help them with anything they may be currently struggling with or challenged by so I can practice the skills I learned and improve my confidence.

Who would like to be one of my first clients before I start charging? You don’t have to pay me anything. But if you found it useful, you could always give me a testimonial.

I have 5 spots left for any takers. You really have nothing to lose and you may just gain something.

Contact me if you are interested!

New Location

I am pleased to announce that I will be moving my practice two blocks west to 1002 Panorama Place in Hospital Hill, Squamish at the beginning of January, 2021. I will continue to work with my friend Aimee Newton, a talented Registered Massage Therapist, at Smoke Bluffs Massage Therapy and Physiotherapy Clinic at this new location.
Bookings can be done through my website, or directly through I look forward to seeing you at the new location!

Physio Can Help: Pelvic Floor Health

One in three women in Canada, has some form of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction – impacting their lives in many ways. With the help of physiotherapy, patients receive tremendous results and can effectively overcome their condition.

To learn more about the different ways in which physiotherapy is making a difference, visit

Sex After Baby

Your journey begins with the 6-week postpartum check-up. Are you healed or close to it? Great. You’ll get the green light for resuming penetrative sexual intercourse (among other routine activities), and you’ll discuss birth control if that applies to you. But are you really ready?

Have a read of this informative article, ‘Sex After Baby: A Little Scary, Maybe Awkward, but Definitely Possible’…

The Hypertonic Pelvic Floor

We so often focus on strengthening our pelvic floor but have you ever considered that your pelvic floor issues may be due to increased tension in the muscles? A pelvic floor that is unable to relax can lead to symptoms such as constipation, painful sex, urgency and pelvic pain. Before you start committing to strengthening your pelvic floor, I highly recommend consulting a pelvic floor physiotherapist to determine if strengthening is what your pelvic floor truly needs:

Glow…A Prenatal Day Retreat

Glow is a prenatal day retreat set in an ancient cedar rainforest, aimed at: 

– reclaiming birth as a sacred ceremony and celebration; dispelling fear and embracing the mystery

– Empowering and Inspiring confidence in expectant women and couples, providing information and tools to thrive through pregnancy, birth and parenthood

– Celebrating life, birth, family and community.

Come join us on March 30th, 2019 at the Cheakamus Center ( just outside of Squamish) for an amazing gathering of speakers and parents-to-be:

Recognizing the Importance of Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

So yet another country has recognized the importance of pelvic floor physiotherapy in postpartum recovery. The United Kingdom has just announced the move towards assisting in postpartum recovery by providing financial assistance for pelvic floor physiotherapy to women who have just given birth…


Why Doesn’t My Belly Return Back To Normal Postpartum?

Although the following article claims that over 60% of women still have a diastasis rectus abdominus (DRA) or ‘abdominal separation’ 6 weeks postpartum, I would tend to estimate even higher from what I have witnessed. DRA is how the abdominal wall adapts to the stretch required during pregnancy and it is what gives most women grief postpartum when it comes to the recovery of the abdominal wall.

It is important to educate yourself about what a DRA is, how to take preventative measures during pregnancy, and how to rehabilitate the abdominal wall postpartum. Many women assume that their belly will eventually return to normal postpartum condition with time and to aid it along, they may begin core work including sit ups and other abdominal exercises. Before you go to town on your core to address your abdominals, please have a read of the following article…

Dear Mothers: We’re Not Meant to “Bounce Back”

‘The very notion that we are meant to change as little as possible, and even revert back to the women we were before we became mothers is not only unrealistic, but it’s an insult to women of all ages, demographics, shapes, and sizes. It makes a mockery of the powerful passage into one of the most essential roles a human can live into, and it keeps women disempowered through an endless journey of striving for unattainable goals that wouldn’t necessarily serve us even if we could reach them.
The world needs the transformation motherhood brings about it us. The softening, the tenderness, the vulnerability, the shift in prioritization, the depth of love — these are some of the qualities our hurting world needs most.’  Beth Barry

Have a read of this beautiful article by Beth Barry and perhaps you may have a shift in your perspective that there is beauty in not “bouncing back”…

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